Getting His Attention - How to Make a Man Fancy You

If your really into him getting his attention is key if you want him to take notice of you. There are subtle things you can do without looking desperate that will arouse his curiosity and make him want to get to know you better. There are certain thing you can do that will get the ball rolling and start you down the path to a new and exciting relationship. What happens after that is anybodys guess but by putting into practice these simple techniques more often than not guys will take notice of you.

Making eye contact is one of the easiest things you can do when you want a guy to notice you. Studies have shown that making eye contact with a guy is a great way to show you may be interested in him. Even if you consider yourself to be the shy type it takes only a fraction of a second to glance his way. Throw a smile in for good measure. Try it the next time you want to get the attention a certain guy but don't be surprised when he walks over and introduces himself.

Sometimes you will have to make the first move with a guy. This can include walking up to him and starting a conversation. Some men are clueless and it's tempting to give up before you've even given him a chance. Making small talk for some women can seem intimidating. Keep it simple and you should not have any problems. Compliment him on his shirt. Mention something about what is going on around you. If all else fails say something about the weather. Usually the guy will respond and then you can take it from there. It's best not to act flirtatious but be confident and smile when approaching him. Remember if he is the least bit interested in you what you talk about won't be as important as the fact that you are having a conversation with him.

How you dress can get a guys attention for sure. But be careful because the message you send out with what you choose to wear may not be what you are trying to convey. Many women think that the sexier they dress the more they will get noticed. And they are right. However if you are not after a one night stand dressing in a more conservative manner might be more beneficial in the long run. You can still accent your positive features and hint at what you have. By not laying it all out on the table you can get a guy to notice you not as a sexual conquest but as someone he might actually like to pursue a relationship with.

Keep in mind that all guys react in different ways. With some guys all it will take is a subtle clue for them to pick up on the fact that you are interested in them. Other times getting his attention will take a bit more work. Don't give up. Some of the best relationships you can have will be with guys that are shy or don't seem as smooth when it comes to the relationship department.

Remember eye contact is important. Smile and strike up a conversation. Be confident but not flirtatious and realize that how you dress will say a lot about what type of relationship you are looking for.

Here is one last sneaky tip that you can use on a guy that will make him very curious. Make sure you know what you are doing before you attempt this. It has been proven to very effective at getting a guys attention.

How to Kiss Any Guy More great tips including how to be best kisser he ever kissed.

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