Say It With Roses and Earn The Love Back

Flowers are sign of love. We give flowers especially if we love the person and to show them that we care. There are different flower options that we can give for the love of our life.

Here are the lists of Roses and their meanings that you can give for someone you really love:

Red Rose:
Sacrifice - means that you are willing to go through each pain to prove to the person that you love that you are willing to fight and prove that your love is worth dying for.

Immortal Love - unending love. This means that you are willing to go through another lifetime to prove your love for this person. If you were to choose someone to love in the next lifetime, you still opted to choose this person.

Passion - means the fire of your love. This is to show how deep and passionate your love is.

Pink Rose:
First Love - for teenagers this is what you call puppy love and first love. This is highly recommended for beginners. Pink rose shows softness and youthfulness.
Innocence - pink rose is a symbol of innocence and young love.

White Rose:
Purity - if you think your love is pure, prove it by giving her a white rose. This is about purity, not just your feelings but also your intentions.

Sanctity - peacefulness. This is to make peace and ask for forgiveness. Send white roses if you are asking for your partner's forgiveness.

Secret Admirer - if you like someone secretly, try sending her white rose. Who knows this might be the way for the love to blossom.

Mysticism - just like the meaning mentioned above. Mysticism means mystic or mystery, means that your love is not known yet.

Yellow Rose:
Joy - this is a sign of happiness. Tell the love of your life how happy you are in having her/him as a partner.

Protection against envious lovers - it symbolizes jealousy. There are two sides of jealousy, you being a lover and you protecting yourself against envious lover. If you can't tell your partner that you're jealous say it through flowers. Tell that person how jealous you are and that is how you feel.

Mature Love - this is good for couples tested by time. Those who had gone a long way loving each other. Who had already went through the " Baptism of fire ".

Peach Rose:
Healing - this is a healing rose. If you know that someone is sick, send her a peach rose.

Roses are beautiful. Accompany it with the correct color depending on what you feel will have good result. What are you waiting for? Say it by sending her a "Rose". This might be the way for you two to fix the grudges of the past.

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