How to Become Irresistible to My Boyfriend - The Answers to Becoming His Only Desire

A common question in many girls' minds is, "How do I become irresistible to my boyfriend?" Much of the reason for this question is that there are so many other ladies out there that you feel you have to compete with; you get nervous that he might find someone else. You want to be the only one he desires and wants to be with which is absolutely understandable when you love him as you do.

And while there are many details that go into what will make you irresistible to him, what's more important for you to know is what's at the core of the issue that gets him to feel that way about you in the first place.

That is the crucial talking point and that is what you'll learn here. And get ready for a surprise because it's not what you think.

Let's start by you answering this question. Using a range from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how important do you think it is for you to look beautiful, sexy... even hot in order for him to desire or crave you?

Are you guessing a 9 or 10? According to scientific research, the average is somewhere between 5 to 7. Does that surprise you?

The truth is that if you want to be irresistible to him, while looks help, the more alluring attributes are personality, character, and integrity.

These are some of the things that captivate a man's interest in a woman and the qualities that you want to develop in order to make yourself irresistible to a man.

Being happy - A woman who wears a smile is one of the most attractive features men look for in women.Being okay with herself while not being too proud or over confident - Guys want women who are not needy or in constant need of approval. They also find women who are proud or over-confident, are typically unapproachable to them.Good natured - There is someone so attractive about a woman who is genuine and can have fun... even good clean fun.Supportive - Guys are looking for women who will support them on their journey in life. This isn't about being codependent though. Encourage and subtly guide him to his own answers about how to navigate along his life's path without telling him what to do.Trusting and understanding - Be secure in who he is, trust him, and understand his needs for things such as privacy, space, and alone time.

The bottom line is if you want to be the queen of his heart, the light of his eye, and the only key that will turn on his engine, then being irresistible to him is about being the yin to his yang. Just like a puzzle piece you need to be the ideal fit.

Get the exact details about what he wants and what you can do to become irresistible to your boyfriend. Apply these examples to make him want you over and over again.

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