How to Know If He Is In Love or Codependent

Love or codependent is two entirely different things, although the codependent thinks he's in love. A codependent depends on you and they will do anything to please you. They put others needs before their own to prove they are important.

They can't stand the thought of someone not liking them, so they will go the extra mile to help the person out. They will sacrifice a happy life just to make others feel good. They have to depend on others and need the praise of doing great things.

It's difficult to determine if a guy loves you or is codependent so you need to hone in to their actions. When he's in love, he thinks of you all the time wanting to be with you. He cares about your safety, health and happiness, but he isn't going to sacrifice his life to please you. Love is real and passionate where the guy pleases his gal in a way that pleases him too. It's an emotional pleasure for both.

He will buy you gifts, and send you flowers to show his love for you. A codependent will sacrifice his life to please someone. He depends on you so much it's like a drug addiction. A nice person will help others in need, but they're not dependent on that person. They will go about their business as usual.

A codependent can go the opposite direction too. For example, a husband beats his wife then says how sorry he is and it won't happen again. He tells her how much he loves her and can't live without her. He sees her talking to someone else or maybe she didn't do something the way he wanted and he felt he was losing his dependency on her so he went into a rage.

Another example is a parent trying to over please his kids and gives them control so they can depend on them. The kids go wild, do what they want and end up controlling the parent. When you date some guy that you really like, watch his behavior and in time you will notice if he is in love or codependent. You need to know this person really well before moving into a serious relationship.

That's the problem with the husband beating the wife. He pushed her into marriage to soon and he had control because he was dependent on her and she gave in. Learn to know if he is in love or codependent before giving your life to him or he will make you miserable everyday of your life.

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