The Three Best Things You Can Do For Any Relationship

Have you ever wondered how you could heal a wounded relationship or make a good one even better? There is a lot of talk about listening to the other person and reflecting back what they say. All the way to the extreme of thinking of the other person more than of yourself. Now these solutions might work to some degree, but they will only be a temporary solution to the overall problem.  The solution is just three things.

Love Yourself

The best thing you can do for any relationship all starts with one thing: Love yourself! What? Love myself? But I'm supposed to put others first. Right? No. When you love yourself first, your abundance overflows onto them. You can't give out of an empty vessel; you can only give from a full one. Your fulfillment and high vibration of love raises the vibration of everyone who interacts with you. You become a walking testament to peace.

When you put yourself first and think of what is in your own highest good you will be guided to the best possible solutions to any problem. Your highest good isn't to hurt others. Your highest good is also the highest good of every other being on this planet because we live in an interconnected cycle of peace and happiness.

Know Yourself

What do you want? Really? Sometimes it takes some work. Sitting and thinking about it. What would you do if money wasn't an issue? Play a movie in your mind of your ideal day. What would you be doing? Who would you be with? Where would you live? Feel inside your body what those images mean to you.

Once you have a clear mental image that you feel attached to you can begin to expect those things to happen for you. Take proactive steps in the direction of your deepest desires and best possible good. Continue to adjust your images as what you truly wants becomes more clear to you.

When you know yourself and have a very clear feeling and image of what you want it will become evident if a relationship will fit into what you know about your highest self or if it needs to be adjusted.  Those adjustments will naturally happen when you follow the next most important thing you can do for any relationship.

Be Happy

The third, and maybe most, important thing you can do for any relationship is to be happy. When you love yourself and know yourself, you will be guided from your highest good to what will make you most happy and fulfilled.

Pursing our happiest selves is a service to the world. One fulfilled person can touch 100,000 others thought the vibrational web, through the psychological connections we have with each other.  Your happiness and fulfillment is a gift to the rest of the world.

Love Yourself, Know Yourself and Be Happy

That's it. Those are the three best things you can do for any relationship. When you love yourself, know yourself, and are happy, you naturally gravitate to the best situation for everyone involved. Sometimes people move out of our lives, sometimes new people move in. Sometimes the same relationships blossom into their true potential.

Loving yourself can help transform the people you love into their own highest selves as well. Maybe there is something holding you back, maybe you are afraid of what would happen if you put yourself first, and followed your highest potential. It can be scary to take a chance. But the end pay off far outweighs the risk.

Follow the path of your own highest good and watch as your life blossoms into the abundance you wish to have and wish to share with the world. Love yourself, know yourself, and be happy certainly are the three best things you can do for any relationship.

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