Is Your Date Only Dating You Because He/She Is Lonely?

When you engage in online or offline dating, you are looking for someone who complements your life. You want someone to share in life's experiences, someone to laugh, love and feel with and someone to be there when you need them most. When you find that person, you know it almost right away. You can't get that person out of your mind, every thought seems to involve that person and you almost find yourself counting the minutes until you can see, smell, feel, hear and touch that person again. This the perfect match. Unfortunately, you're not always going to meet the perfect match. Sometimes you'll almost feel a connection with someone but your feelings will be a little off. This is usually what happens when you start dating someone and the only reason they're dating you is because they're so darned lonely.

Lonely Daters

It's important to recognize the lonesome dater. This person is the person who spends all day wondering why nobody wants to be with them. The person is usually feeling down about a recent breakup, divorce or loss of a spouse and the entire world has a hazy shade of gray. The lonely dater is typically depressed and thinks that a true love match will turn everything around.

This is not to say that you can't succeed with this type of dater. It's just that usually the lonely dater is so focused on him or herself that your future dates and relationship are also likely to be as one-sided. The lonesome dater is selfish for the most part and has very low self-esteem. While the potential to help the person see how great they are does exist, wouldn't you rather meet someone who already has their business together?

Here are the top signs that the person you're dating is a lonely dater.

Recent Breakup: If the person just got out of a relationship for whatever reason, they're likely not ready to date yet. People need proper time to grieve and situate themselves following a major life change and these daters merely want to jump from one relationship right into the next, often with disastrous results.
No Hobbies Or Interests: The dater who is really lonely doesn't have time for hobbies or other interests. They're too busy Googling reasons why nobody wants to be with them. These individuals obsess over their faults and are so down that no hobbies or interests sound appealing anyway.
Co-Dependent Behavior: If the person is constantly calling or texting and wants to be with you every waking minute, you're likely dealing with a lonesome dater. It's best to tell the person you need some space. If your date doesn't understand and it starts a fight, you'll definitely know why.

Again, you can find happiness with a lonely dater. Some people just need a new situation to break them out of whatever low pattern they've found themselves in. On the other hand, it's important to be able to recognize the signs early in case you want to stay away from any drama the lonely dater may present in the future.

Maybe even lonely daters will like the new dating phenomenon known as Pheromone dating. Say what?

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