How Can I Make Him Chase Me?

It's wonderful to be chased by the guy you like... isn't it? But few of us actually experience this chasing since in today's dating scene its women who do the chasing. We are now liberated and free to do all that men used to do even in the dating arena. But do you sometimes long to be so enchanting to your man that he is the one actually doing the chasing? What do you need to do to make him so fascinated by you that he chases you?

1. Be oh so valuable. How valuable are you as a woman? Do you love yourself? Are you fully engaged in life and enjoying living to the full? Are you confident enough to let others shine? Are you a good friend to those who call you 'friend? Be honest with yourself... as that's the only way that you can work on your value. Insecurities, a need to be constantly affirmed, needing to be the only one in the limelight, backbiting your friends etc... make you just that less valuable in the eyes of your man. He has to see you as valuable in order for him to want to posses you... and therefore to chase you.

2. Have some dating standards that reflect your value. You cannot be valuable and then throw all that away when dating. You want him to treat you well and so you MUST have some principles that you abide with. To make him chase you... you must have some scarcity value. Think about the things you are willing to chase... aren't they generally valuable and scarce? Take that mentality into dating if you want to make him chase you. You will rarely chase anything that is of low value or that is in abundant supply will you? So why do you expect any different from him?

3. Be completely authentic! To make him chase you then you need to make him realize that you are the real deal! Don't tolerate or excuse bad behavior from him; or do things that you are uncomfortable with; or say 'yes' when you actually mean 'no'; or a host of other things that make you less valuable in his eyes.

The challenge of making him chase you is that if he is a fly-by-night type of guy then he will not want to put in the work required by you so you must decide if you really do want him to chase you. A man who will chase you is one who values you, thinks you are pretty special and wants you (and only you) in his life. Are you willing to forgo the fly-by-night guys for the quality man who will appreciate you?

For a manual to help you move all the way from hello to committed with a man that is excited and enthralled by you then I recommend this how to enthrall him manual so that he chases you all the way to committed but if you want additional help on being an attractive woman that he desires to chase then use these chase-able woman pointers.

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