How to Breakup With Him

Are you ready to breakup with him? Maybe he is making you miserable or perhaps you are just not feeling that connection anymore. These things happen and not every relationship is meant to be. Don't feel bad about it. You only live once and have to do what makes you happy. It is simple: You cannot force feelings that are simply not there.

Breakup with Him Gracefully:

1. Be nice and sensitive about it. Just because you are over it doesn't mean he is. Don't yell or use profanity. Breaking up is a devastating for most people so make sure you keep his feelings in mind.

2. Do it in person. I know it is hard, but if you ever want to be friends then you must give him some respect and breakup with him in person. Treat him how you would want to be treated if you were getting dumped.

3. Realize there is no painless way to breakup with him. No matter what, it will hurt. It will definitely hurt you as well, because although you are no longer in love with him you most likely still care about him.

4. Be prepared. Make sure you know what you want to say before meeting with him.

5. Stay poised. Although he might say mean things or yell, it is important that you don't. It is often the case that the person getting dumped is so hurt they begun to lose control of their emotions. First he may be apologetic, then desperation might kick in as he begs you to stay with him, and then he might become angry and mean. You simply need to realize that this is what often happens when someone is heart broken, I'm sure you have been there yourself.

6. Honesty is not always the best policy. If the reason you want to breakup with him has to do with something sexual like he sucks in bed (this does happen), then definitely don't tell him that. You don't want him to be insecure for the rest of his life do you? Honesty is sometimes the best policy, but it simply depends. Use your best judgment.

How to Breakup with Him: The Don't

1. Although it is the easy way out, don't breakup with him through a text message. Many people have long drawn out conversations through texting, but breaking up should not be one of them. Only breakup with him in person. If you dump him through a text message then you are basically telling him he is not even worth your time. You don't have enough respect for him to do it in person and your time together meant nothing to you. None of these things are probably true, so make sure he knows that you valued your time together but it is time to move on.

2. Don't use the line "I think we should just be friends." First off, so many people use that line and it sounds like a BIG FAT excuse. Secondly, if he still loves you there is no way he can be your friend until he is fully over you. To ask him to be your friend after you were just in a relationship is just plain ridiculous. Imagine if you were completely in love with him and he told you he just wanted to be friends?

3. Don't tell him you need time or space if you know that it is 100 percent over. All you will be doing is giving him hope that the relationship might rekindle. Be completely clear that it is over. This may sound cold-hearted, but you are actually doing him a favor. He doesn't realize it yet, but once he is completely over you he will.

4. Don't say, "A part of me still love you." Again all you are doing is giving him hope that if he works a little harder you will fall madly in love with him again.

5. If you have mutual friends then don't tell them you are going to breakup with him. The word will get back to him before you have time to explain your feelings.

What Happens After You Breakup with Him:

1. Don't call him or go visit him. You may feel bad compelled and want to be friendly, but you need to realize he is probably not ready. Give him some time to heal. Maybe he will call you after a few months.

2. Start dating if you want to. You have to make yourself happy and shouldn't feel bad about doing so.

3. Now that you are single, you have more time to spend with your friends. It's time to rekindle your friendships and spend time with friends you might have ignored while you were in the relationship.

4. Lastly, go on with your life. Stop wondering if he will ever forgive you. Relationships end and life goes on, this is a part of life. He will eventually realize it was for the best, and if for some reason he doesn't then it is his problem not yours.

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