Make an Impression

How did you meet the person you have a date with? What were those first few minutes like? What was the conversation like? How did you feel? How did you ask the person out on a date? Or how did the person ask you? Did you know for sure that this person was interested in you? Read that last question again.

Let's move on. What was the actual date like? How did you feel when you first got together that day or that night? Did the time pass quickly while you were together? Or did the time move slowly? How did the date end? At the end of the date, did you know for sure how that person felt about you?

Alright, let's answer some of those questions. Let's go right to the first major question. Did you know for sure that this person was interested in you? If you're like most people, you answered that question by saying "I think she was" or "It seemed like he was" or "Probably". It's right here that the first problem lies.

Normally, people are awful at flirting. They think they're getting their point across, but when they talk with a person later in the relationship they find out that they just weren't sure. They thought you had an interest, but they just weren't sure. If you want to make an impression, you have to be clear. Let me give you an example.

You are at a party talking with a group of friends. There were 4 or 5 in this group, all talking, when out of the blue, a woman, who wasn't part of our group, walked into the centre of the group, came up to you and asked if you would like to dance. Being surprised is certainly an understatement. It's a rare person who can walk into the centre of a group of friends, walk up to one and ask them if they'd like to dance.

I don't expect you to do that, in fact that's the nightmare most men share. The thought of walking into a group of women and asking one of them to dance. puts you right on the spot. If she says "no", it's a long walk back to where you came from. But, this woman braved the unknown and made herself known and needless to say, you will remember that woman.

How do you put this to work? One of the essential ideas here is to do things that are not typical. This article started by asking you what a typical date was like. If you didn't answer the questions, do it now because the answers are going to be important. If you did answer them, but didn't put enough thought into the answers, go back and do it again. Your answers were probably quite typical but there's nothing wrong with this, it just doesn't make an impression.

It's not what you do, it's how you do it. You know how the majority people send either a dozen roses or one rose? Part of the reason they send either one or a dozen is that they want to be remembered. Well, isn't either one or a dozen a pretty typical number? Sure, those are the two numbers you always hear, one or a dozen.

Instead of sending one or a dozen, how about sending eight. But why eight? Because when the person gets them they'll wonder why you sent eight. You might also tie the number into something having to do with your relationship. You may have met on the 8th of August.

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