Dating - Gaining The Flirting Touch

In the dating game, being shy by nature may lead you to thinking about things that don't really matter. Touching is a prime example, as many guys are not aware of what's permitted or not permitted on acceptable when conversing with a woman.

It may clarify things to say here what you need to know. Touching to put an accent on a key point of your compensation, or when done in a funny way without malice, can be an excellent way to interact with women.

You should develop your special "flirting touch" so that it will encourage her to sense you're interested and show your affection towards her. There are three aspects of deploying touch with her that will help you further advance your dating skills.

1. Lead with an extended high five. Ever wonder about the difference between hand-shaking, and getting a high five? Well, the former is formal, as a way of offering an introduction, while the latter is a clear way to greet and show you are already familiar with the other person. Can the high five the translated into a way to make handshaking linger? For example, you can meet a lady and perform a high five, try squeezing her hand slightly as you touch it, thereby making it linger. This turns a momentary introductory physical connection into a very personalized, heartfelt encounter.

2. Touch her forehead. When approaching a girl who does not respond to you and is quiet, your show of concern can be made more than cursory if you lightly touch her on the fourth head. This kind of gesture can save her life if she's really ill, while also showing restraint if it turns out she's really tired or bored. Either way, showing that you care about her status in this "flirting touch" manner will gain you points with her.

3. Whisper in a sexy way. You probably know how hard it is to talk to a girl privately anywhere in a noisy bar or club. Needless to say, it can be extremely tricky to conduct an intimate conversation unless one or both of you come closer together and whisper something. You can bark loudly or lean over to communicate, or you can choose a sexier approach to communicating in this situation, that is great for increasing central tension just from a whisper. Instead of barking, speak normally such she can one hear your (hopefully baritone) voice. But you need to move in and lean deeply towards her, so that her ear is almost touched by your lips.

You're ready to go to the next stage of the flirtation process once you've mastered these three subtle, but workable steps.

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