10 Reasons Dating Is Similar to a Job Search

1. When looking for a job (relationship) one of the first things you will do is to look over your resume (update your online profile)..

2. You may want to be introspective and assess your skills to see where there could be some improvement (to bring you best self into a new dating relationship).

3. You look long and hard at the jobs that may be available online. You tell your family and friends that you are looking for a job. You network and go to events where you can potentially meet a future employer. You take advantage of all opportunities to meet new people knowing that the effort that you make will put the odds in your favor (sound familiar??).

4. You may decide to take some classes or seminars to improve and to show that you are serious about bringing your best to the position that you are applying for (learning and stretching yourself).

5. Your employer (potential date) will look at your resume to see your possible fit into the company and call your references to see about your character (background check!) and previous job performance (well that mightn't be tough:-). So if you make it this far, then you can look forward to the interview (the first date).

6. Of course for the interview (first date) you will want to look your best maybe a new suit and haircut (don't EVER think that physical attraction and caring how you look doesn't matter, not caring anymore or thinking you can be lazy will probably lead to the end of the relationship).

7. Now if you prepared enough and are the right match, hopefully you will get the job (relationship). You know full well that you will have to continue to learn (to communicate better) and always try to bring your "A" game or you will not be very successful. Worse you get lazy and start to take it for granted and you could get fired (you will get fired for taking your relationship for granted too).

8. It takes a lot to get a good job and we should give it all our effort and think long and hard before quitting and finding a new job (the grass isn't always greener with a new relationship).

9. Dating and relationships should at least take as much effort as your job. If your employer expects you to be the best that you can be, why should the people we are supposed to care for the most expect any less.

10. Everything in life that is worthwhile takes real effort and some courage and that is what makes it so satisfying when given the attention it deserves.

Kimberly Petruska is the founder of the Dating Accessory. A new mobile friendly web site with a unique dating card that connects to your personal profile. This experience of making a connection is exciting, easy and private.

We are a hybrid of online dating and connecting in person with someone that you have an instant attraction to. The card makes it easy for men and women to make a connection in a classy way that keeps everyone's ego in tact. No courage needed!

Visit our site to find out about our "Introductory Special"

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